Cloud9 end-of-year celebrations

Last week Cloud9 gathered for our AGM and end-of-year celebration. We love getting together to sing a few of our favourites, thank our committee, welcome new committee members and have a chat.

Thank you to our 2017 Cloud9 committee (minus Judy our amazing Treasurer)

We also welcome the opportunity to share the feedback we’ve received on our performance and thank our beloved Music Director Gloria and Accompanist Annabelle for their skill, patience and guidance throughout the year.

Annabelle and Gloria, our much-loved Accompanist and Music Director

A highlight always at our AGM is the presentation of our annual Wiggs Award, in recognition of choir members who have made a significant contribution to the life and wellbeing of the choir. Jen Martin is our so-deserving recipient whose expertise in media communication enhances our choir profile. From writing blogs to managing our website and Facebook page, she also creates and interprets our choir surveys to direct our future. Jen is the first contact new members have when they wish to join our choir and it’s her smiling face who welcomes them.

Jen received the Wigg’s Award from our Cloud9 Chair Janice


Time to celebrate another wonderful Cloud9 year

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